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The Choice of Right test Metrics & Product Quality

Do you know The Choice of Right test Metrics & Product Quality? Business development is determined by metrics. In order to track changes and the success (or failure, depending on the situation) of their operations, it is crucial for software testing businesses to concentrate on effective indicators. Employee-valued KPIs, however, frequently don’t line up with the organization’s overall objectives. As Melanie Ziegler, the VPE Forum’s founder, pointed out, generating cash through more activity is difficult because businesses grow as a result of their output. Testing software is not an exception. It has an impact on how a company understands the role of quality assurance and how it assesses the outcomes of its efforts.

What are testing metrics?

Testing metrics are quantitative measures that are employed to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, performance, and operability of the testing process.

By concentrating on this data, specialists can modify the testing process, boost its effectiveness, and come to the finest judgements. For instance, the metric unit “gramme” is used to measure weight. Moreover, the software has its own “metres”: For instance, “How many errors occur for every 1000 lines of code?”

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To witness a gain in quality and comprehend how this relates to an increase in return on investment, businesses require measurable results. You are aware that “we can’t measure what we can’t control.” Let’s use HelloFresh as an example, where the number of subscribers to a box of recipes was initially the important measure. The QA team then monitored the effect of subpar quality on subscriber numbers. A crucial area of testing was the areas that this metric had an impact on. The company changed its strategy and decreased the number of critical faults in the release as a result of reevaluating the indications.

There are many different metrics. For instance, they can assess product quality, the SDLC’s effectiveness, or the efficiency of the entire software testing outsourced team. The computation of indicators is done using unique formulas. By the way, the following formula is used to determine the proportion of completed test cases: The total number of test cases written is subtracted from the number of test cases completed, and the result is multiplied by 100. It’s comparable to comparing a car’s weekly mileage to the ideal mileage suggested by the manufacturer.

Difficulties with metrics

What challenges might there be if there are particular formulas? A sound testing approach presupposes that the group use the appropriate performance metrics. By its very nature, testing aims to shed more light on the product in order to reduce uncertainty and minimise risks.

Metrics have the drawback that their selection can have unfavourable effects because they determine all subsequent work. For instance, a QA specialist may overlook important regions if his or her goal is to identify as many flaws as possible in the sake of numbers. Indicators will therefore improve as functions that are not really useful for business are tested. Given that the only metric by which one could assess an individual’s work was the amount of errors, it will end up being a fictitious representation of software quality. Yet, the figures alone do not provide the full picture.

It is crucial for experts who offer software testing services to carefully consider metrics because they can influence how checks are conducted. Priority should be given to metrics that are important for business and whose improvement will actually help the organisation. so that the team members do not overlook the most crucial factor—quality—in their chase of beautiful numbers. For all, “When a measure becomes an aim, it ceases to be a good measure,” as economist Charles Goodhart once stated.

Sound reasoning should be used to determine why something has to be measured. Divide an automated test suite into two processes, for instance, if running it takes more than two hours. Run the script with the most crucial test cases first. suddenly nothing is left (for example, regression tests).

Testing metrics that are important to pay attention to

The Choice of Right test Metrics & Product Quality
The Choice of Right test Metrics & Product Quality

User satisfaction

The more a customer purchases, the more success is certain for the company. As a result, the user’s response to the product and error messages should be the QA team’s initial point of focus during the quality assurance audit. The company will succeed if testers track this quality indicator and work to make it better. After all, if they are not pleased with the quality of the software, 92% of users uninstall it.

Customers who are happy are loyal ones. If they were pleased with the service or item they bought, they frequently return. When there are problems with the quality, over 13% of unhappy consumers complain to more than 20 people. It negatively impacts the company’s reputation.

Process metrics

The quality of the software product may significantly be impacted by these indicators. For instance, you might time the interval between the creation of a need and the deployment of the code necessary to fulfil it in a real-world setting. Or the period of time from when work on the function began till permission to proceed was granted.

Finally, it is possible to gauge how long it takes to resolve issues. Paying attention to where the task ends is another way to improve the efficiency of processes. Finding strategies to optimise this bottleneck is worthwhile.

Coverage indicators

Test coverage is a test quality measure that lets you know how many requirements or what portion of the code has been tested. A top-down strategy is advised in this case by skilled QA: first, cover the module and functionality, then examine the data coverage for each functionality.

Levels between 70% and 90% presuppose stable software, according to a survey of scholarly studies that looked at the connection between application quality and code coverage. Also, the test coverage measure promotes uniform testing practices by removing ambiguity that develops in large teams.

Code quality metrics

SonarQube and other automatic inspections help to rate the quality of the code. They claim that it is simple to monitor the system’s technical debt. It is necessary to prioritise the issues and vulnerabilities that have gathered by ranking them in order of importance.

  • You must concentrate on the code’s salient characteristics in order to assess its quality:
  • reliability (exception-free operation of high-quality code);
  • Software should be simple to maintain, or maintainable.
  • Testability (software testing is not hindered in any way);

Portability (with high-quality code, the software can work in multiple contexts) (with high-quality code, the programmed can work in various environments).

These characteristics are taken into consideration by experts providing software testing services, who identify five key measures of high-quality code: maintainability index, complexity metrics, depth of inheritance, connections between classes, and code lines.

Error or incident indicators

Monitoring failures and outages brought on by software bugs might provide insight into the calibre of the programmed. The end user’s perception of the product is determined by this indication.

It is important to distinguish between significant issues and ideas for improvement when reporting issues. Knowing which components of quality are more crucial than others is crucial for company. Productivity may be crucial for some business types, such as online shops that have high traffic during the run-up to holidays or on sales days.

Not only should the quantity of errors be considered, but also how the figures are analysed, taking into account categories that can help the testing process.

Research testing metrics

Investigating the program’s capabilities is part of research testing. What can and cannot be done with the application, to put it simply. The programmed is checked ad hoc during research assessments. But how can you quantify it?

Michael Bolton and James Bach developed two categories of criteria to assess exploratory testing. According to the first, it is important to keep track of the time spent on configuration and execution as well as the total number of problems detected throughout each session. The second measure is that it’s crucial to record how long it takes to familiarize oneself with the rules of research testing and compare it to how long it took to notice the intriguing behavior of the product.

The following indicators are also used in quality assurance services:

  • research or scheduled testing hours;
  • average research session time;
  • separation of the research session (installation, testing, possibility, troubleshooting);
  • sessions;
  • number of defects per session.

Test automation metrics

Metrics aid in streamlining and monitoring the automated testing process within the business. The complexity of the software product rises over time as more functionalities are added, more lines of code are written, bugs are fixed, and so forth. As a result, the test coverage may decline while the product price and software delivery time, on the other hand, may both rise.

Indicators can provide a broad overview of the state of autonomous testing. The inclusion of automation should, if the job is done correctly, rectify the unfavourable dynamics by enhancing test coverage and accelerating delivery.

performance measures

It is crucial for businesses to understand how traffic is performing at its peak and to assess how well software performs under normal and heavy load conditions. Understanding an application’s maximum working capacity makes it simpler to avoid problems and downtime once it has been released.

Many indicators of performance are taken into account during load tests. Response time, error rate, throughput, and the presence of bottlenecks are frequently examined when assessing how efficiently work is done.

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Indicators of “Happiness”

This statistic measures the efficiency of the software testing outsourcing team and offers insight into issues such as “Will a specialist’s work be completed while on vacation?” and “Do employees experience emotional burnout?” Each team member is given these indicators, which aid in understanding the workload of the person. Based on this information, it can be cut back or, conversely, you can add more jobs.

This is crucial since the team’s overall disposition has a direct bearing on the efficiency of its work and the calibre of its output. These metrics are difficult to track, yet they are important because team cohesion and wellbeing improve company operations.


Shorter manufacturing cycles are now in demand as a result of the service market’s quickly increasing rivalry. QA experts are thereby compelled to work more quickly with the development team in order to provide high-quality software on schedule. Using testing metrics that can offer useful information about the state of the product is crucial for completing the work accurately and swiftly.

Yet, choosing the appropriate measurements is a difficult task. For instance, before driving a brand-new car, a person cannot remark that it is beautiful. Such a judgement can hardly be described as objective if it is made just based on the image. Software testing outsourcing cannot ensure the quality of the final product or the success of the company unless it takes a reasonable and deliberate approach to analysing key indicators.

It’s critical to realise that metrics must be updated often in response to changes in the project. Technologies and the experts collaborating on the project will evolve over time. The objective is to deliver high-quality software that will benefit consumers, regardless of what is being tested and verified.

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