It is totally up to you whether or not you use AI to assist you in the composition of your work. Nevertheless, there is nothing more aggravating than having your human-authored work identified as prospective AI content, even though you authored every word.
I gained a comprehensive understanding of the numerous methods by which you can modify your writing to avoid sounding like an AI chatbot as an academic proofreader and former English teacher. The following are some of my most valuable recommendations:
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How does AI detection work?
AI detectors frequently seek patterns that suggest that the writing is not a product of a human stream of consciousness. To achieve this, they implement classifiers (which classify text based on usage, grammar, style, and tone), embeddings (which ascertain the relationship between each word), perplexity measures (which evaluate the text for randomness), and burstiness measures (which assess sentence structures and lengths).
So, by making minor adjustments in these areas, we can ensure that our writing does not appear to be non-human, which would be detected by AI detection software.
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Abstain Repeated Patterns
In certain situations, such as for emphasis, repeated patterns can be beneficial. For instance, politicians frequently employ three-part slogans to enhance the gravitas of their speeches. Nevertheless, altering the order of your words will enable you to communicate more authentically.
One approach to accomplishing this is to employ distinct words at the beginning of your sentences. For instance, the structure of the subsequent term will be significantly influenced by the use of ‘The’. Rather, begin some sentences with verbs or adjectives—this is a useful tip for more engaging writing in general.
In general, concentrating on how you begin your utterances will help AI detection determine that you are a human.
Use synonyms
The AI detection software is more likely to identify the word’s relationships with others if you use the first word that comes to mind, as it is more probable that many other individuals have used the same word before.
Susie Dent, a British lexicographer, estimates that the average active vocabulary of an adult English speaker is 20,000 words. However, when we consider the use of alternatives, our lexicon multiplies to 40,000 words. In other words, by taking a moment to consider an alternative term, you could potentially increase your likelihood of averting a false positive by twofold.
The critical factor is to avoid overdoing it. Using an excessive number of synonyms may result in an unnatural-sounding work and the loss of the intended meaning. Similarly, by right-clicking on a word in Microsoft Word, you can view suggested alternatives. However, it is crucial to select a word that accurately reflects the context.
You may find that the process of rectifying this as you type is time-consuming and may disrupt your flow. Wait until you have proofread your work if this is the case. When you browse your work from beginning to end, you are more likely to identify mundane or repeated words. More importantly, you can have your computer recite your document back to you, which may assist you in identifying additional areas that require improvement.
Expand the length and structure of sentences
Content that is generated by artificial intelligence typically comprises sentences that are comparable in terms of their length and structure. Consider the following illustration, which was written by the use of AI:
A dog is a domesticated mammal and a member of the Canidae family, scientifically known as Canis lupus familiaris. They are known for their loyalty, companionship, and diverse range of breeds, each with unique characteristics and traits. Dogs have been bred for various purposes, including herding, hunting, guarding, and companionship. They are often referred to as “man’s best friend” due to their strong bond with humans and their ability to understand and respond to human emotions. Dogs communicate through vocalizations, body language, and facial expressions, making them highly social animals.
Four of the five sentences are composed of 13 to 19 syllables. Additionally, observe that their structures exhibit minimal variation, resulting in a monotonous reading experience. Additionally, you will observe the identical terms being employed at the beginning of the sentences, which we previously discussed.
This is simply not how the majority of humans communicate, regardless of whether they are speaking or writing. Our output is generally more engaging, as we employ a variety of sentence lengths and organically structure things in specific ways to add emphasis or provide more detail. Unsurprisingly, the paragraph above is identified as 100% machine-produced when it is reinserted into AI detection software.
Therefore, rearranging your sentences into shorter and lengthier ones will not only prevent false positives but also enhance the appeal of your writing.
Add Personal Anecdotes
Large language models (LLMs) are employed by AI writing tools to generate their output. LLMs are trained on extensive data sets, including books, websites, articles, and periodicals, to “learn” the workings of language. These models contain parameters. Consequently, the inclusion of anecdotes, lived experiences, or individualized language in your writing creates a personal touch that AI would find difficult to replicate. Consequently, it is less likely to be identified as artificially generated by detection software.
Adopting a personal approach has additional advantages, even if the individual who is reviewing or evaluating your work does not intend to employ a detector. For instance, Google’s EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) principle assists the search engine in determining which search results to prioritize. Incorporating authenticity into your writing and sharing distinct experiences when writing online will increase your EEAT rating, thereby increasing the likelihood of receiving more traffic to your website. On a more fundamental level, writing that is more intimate is more likely to be engaging.
Use Contractions
By utilizing apostrophes to abbreviate certain words—such as “she’s” in place of “she is”—your writing will be perceived as more conversational and less mechanized.
Nevertheless, the decision to implement this recommendation is contingent upon the context of the text. For instance, it may be prudent to refrain from abbreviating your terms in this manner when composing a formal academic thesis. Conversely, contractions will be less conspicuous in an email, an informal website article, or a blog post. These are all genres of writing in which it may be advantageous to be more conversational. In either case, contractions should be used with caution.