AppleTech News

iOS 14: Everything you need to know about Smart Stack

Smart Stack, courtesy of iOS 14, combines several app widgets that you can select for yourself, or let your phone do it for you based on how you use your phone. 

For example, if you check the weather, and then your calendar first thing in the morning, Smart Stack will most likely include both apps and automatically show you the weather followed by your schedule. And if you look at your activity data after dinner, Smart Stack will show you the activity widget at that time.

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Best of all, you can create your own Smart Stack. I’ll tell you how below.

Can’t see the widgets? Try this

The release of iOS 14 also means that developers can update their apps, adding new features, such as widgets.

If you have updated your apps and you see in the update notes that it has widget compatibility, but you don’t see the app listed when you try to add the widget, I have a solution for you. After updating the app, you need to open it before the widget appears as an option. You don’t have to do anything special, just make it fully charged.

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Create a custom Smart Stack

It’s easy to create your own Smart Stack.

1.  Long press on the screen between the apps in the dock and the first row of apps on the home screen:

2. Tap the + icon in the upper left corner of the screen and scroll through the list of available widgets. 

Locate one of the widgets you want to add to your custom Smart Stack. You can drag or drop the widget to your screen or tap the + icon at the top of the screen. 

Keep in mind that any widget you add to the stack will have to be the same size. Instead of hitting the + icon to add widgets to your screen, I recommend dragging and dropping. It saves you a step and prevents the apps on your phone from being rearranged as your phone tries to find a place for widgets.

3. Stacking widgets follows the same process of creating folders for apps, that is, drag the widget and drop it on top of another.

Repeat the process and add widgets until you are happy with your creation. You can slide your finger over your Smart Stack at any time, or let your iPhone adjust it automatically for you. 

4.  If you change your mind and want to remove a widget or change the order, long-press on the Smart Stack and then select Edit Stack. Change the order by dragging the widgets. You can remove a widget by swiping left on the name to reveal the Delete button.

For widgets that can be further customized, such as Apple’s Weather widget, which allows you to change the location of the weather, you can make changes by long-pressing on a specific widget and then selecting Edit [name of the app]. 

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