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8 Tech Skills Digital Marketers Need to Know

It is clear that the world is moving very fast towards a tech-driven system. This tech age comes with a fast life. Marketing skills that may have been helpful just 5 years ago are of no use today. According to statistics, there was about a 13% increase in the digital marketing budget between August 2019 and February 2020. That’s how important it is to have cutting edge tech skills to survive as a marketer today.

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As a digital marketer, it is important to keep up with the trends. You need to be able to adapt and grow with the ever-changing technology.

The good news is that you can arm yourself with these skills and be on your way to becoming a successful digital marketer.

8 skills to become a successful digital marketer

1.   Create good content

This may be the most in-demand skill in this field today.  In fact, it is sometimes also referred to as the “king of digital marketing.”

As a digital marketer, you have to be able to create and deliver high-quality content. Content that can increase traffic to your website, loyalty to your brand as well as engagement. This can be in the form of writing, images, videos, and audio-based content–you name it.

The key factor is creativity. Your content must be attention-grabbing and leave your audience wanting more. Your content must also be memorable such that your site is the first place they’ll look next time as well. Keeping current clients is as essential as getting new visitors to your site.

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2.   Learn how to make quality videos

According to statistics, over 500 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every minute.

And 96% watched a video to learn more about a product or service. According to Forbes, by 2022, 82% of all content consumed online will be video.

This shows you how much attention people generally give videos compared to other forms of data. Video content exceeds all other kinds of content in popularity. This is because they guarantee engagement through the enriching experience they can provide, making it easier to convert them into paying customers. It is, therefore, very important to equip yourself with the best video marketing skills.

3.   Harness the power of social media

This is another skill that is essential for reaching a wide range of clientele and getting your message out there. Brands can build a following when a particular piece of data goes viral.

As a marketer, you need to be able to harness social media platforms to create hype and engagement. This, in the long run, will improve traffic inflow for your platform. A good example is the egg, which broke the record of most likes on Instagram and got verified within 10 days. They used that traffic received to make money soon after by producing merchandise.

The secret here is learning how each platform works; Facebook is different from Instagram. After that, creatively come up with a well-structured story to sell. You will find digital marketing to be a lot more interesting.

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4.   Understand SEO and SEM

Search engine optimization and marketing is a sure way of gaining more traffic. Simply put, it’s the process of making your website easy for your customers to find among the millions of others out there.

Here’s an interesting fact to help you understand the importance of SEO: “Over 14 billion searches happen every month.” Study SEO and SEM in detail and learn how to set yourself apart from the thousands of websites out there. There’s a lot of valuable information out there on how to become an expert in SEO and keep up with the trends.

5.   Master the skill of data analysis

This is the usage of software and functional techniques to collect and process data. Remember, the keyword in digital marketing is “marketing.” All the data in the world will be useless to you if it doesn’t help you understand customers’ future trends.

Ultimately, your goal is to convert visitors to your site into actual customers.

Mastering the skill of data analysis helps you assess your customers at a very intimate level.  There are many resources online providing the best analytic tools and tutorials on how to use them.

6.   You should be knowledgeable about email marketing

Even though email marketing may be an old method, it is a sure way to keep customers. For every dollar you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average of $42 in return (DMA, 2019).

Email marketing skills are thus a very valuable tool to have in your toolbox. It’s an easy way to nurture good relationships which help to keep your customers coming back to you. Social media may help a great deal in getting your brand out there, but email marketing will get you loyalty.

This will also help you build a community for your brand. People love to identify with communities. You maintain long term relationships with your community through meaningful communication.

7.   Know how to utilize CRM tools

Statistics show that 91% of businesses with over 11 employees now use CRM. This tells you how much marketing executives believe in the concept. Customer Relationship Management tools are helpful in earning conversions. Conversion means turning a visitor to your site into an actual customer.

Having skills with CRM tools can help you see how customers go about buying your products. This helps you understand what makes them convert into actual users of your product.

Each customer segment is very unique in their buying process. CRM helps you to understand yours by streamlining the process. You are also able to see where there are gaps and need for improvement to earn more conversions.

8.   Develop link building skills

Another important tech skill to arm yourself with is link building. In simple terms, link building means adding hyperlinks to your site from other sites. This makes your content more authoritative and appears more trustworthy.

The beauty about link building is that, if done right, it comes with extra benefits. For example, if you consistently add useful links to your content, other sites start adding links to your site as well. This has the fortunate effect of leading people to your site, and voila! More traffic.


It takes hard work and commitment to be a digital marketer. You don’t have to become an expert in each of these areas, but rather get a working knowledge of these skills. The more skills you arm yourself with, the better the chances are that you’ll stand out in the digital world.

The greatest skill a digital marketer can possess is that of being a flexible learner. Be ready to learn new trends and technological advancements to stay on top of your game.

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