Good website hosting is essential, regardless of the nature of your business or website. There is a plethora of web hosting companies; however, it is possible to be deceived into enrolling with a host that does not adequately meet the requirements of your website if you are unaware of the criteria to consider.
Successful website hosting necessitates the harmonious integration of a diverse array of factors. It is far more than merely a “resting space” on the internet for your website; consider it to be the equivalent of your own residence, your website’s secure place.
Here are the most important do’s and don’ts for successful website hosting. Good performance is anticipated when these are executed correctly.
Let us begin with the items that must be completed on your website hosting to-do list. Here are six “do’s” to ensure that your web hosting is working properly.
1. Do Research and Choose the Right Hosting Plan
Don’t register in ABC Hosting because your friend Bob recommended them. Research is indispensable; otherwise, you will be unable to determine whether the web host encompasses all of the requirements of your business. You should allocate time to investigate hosting companies on the internet. Complete additional investigation on reviews from actual individuals once you have identified those that satisfy your criteria.
2. Prioritize Security Measures
Avoid compromising on security. Your website may be user-friendly, responsive, and rapid; however, hacking it renders all of this irrelevant. Ensure that the host you are interested in prioritises security measures and responds promptly in the event of a breach. Additionally, you may wish to incorporate your own security plugins; however, it is crucial to avoid overloading your website with unnecessary plugins that consume memory and storage.
3. Optimize Website Speed and Performance
One aspect of obtaining exceptional web hosting is ensuring that your website is as quick and high-performing as possible. You (or your web designer) should review the backend and eliminate any unnecessary plugins, eliminate unused media, and optimise your website’s performance to the greatest extent possible.
4. Regularly Update Software and Plugins
It is advisable to enquire with your web host whether they are capable of performing this task prior to enrolling. If not, it is crucial to maintain a healthy level of updates on your own, as the use of outdated modules and software can have a detrimental impact on your website.
5. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Many web hosts utilise a content delivery network (CDN); therefore, it is imperative to verify this information beforehand. Consider transferring to a new host or hosting your content on a CDN that is not affiliated with your hosting company if your current web host is not utilising one. By hosting your content on a content delivery network (CDN), you alleviate the burden on both your site and your provider, thereby enabling your website to operate more efficiently.
6. Monitor Performance
Keep a careful watch on the statistics and numbers. It will be possible to determine whether your website is making progress, achieving success, or if it is stagnant and requires modification. Although Google Analytics is an excellent option, you may also wish to conduct some research to identify analytics software that aligns with your requirements.
The do’s are equally significant as the don’ts. These are not merely items to be avoided; they are prevalent errors that can be prevented by taking action.
7. Don’t Overlook Bandwidth and Storage Limits
Do not presume that the bandwidth and storage provided by the host are suitable for your website. This is contingent upon the nature of the website; therefore, it is imperative to conduct preliminary research to ascertain the requirements of the site and to avoid any unnecessary expenditures.
8. Don’t Ignore Uptime Guarantees
It is a significant error to assume that 99% availability is sufficient. Your website is unavailable for 14 ½ minutes per day, for a total of 99% uptime. 99.9% of the time, this is reduced to less than two minutes. Verify that your host is providing a minimum of 99.9% uptime and validate this information by reviewing user reviews.
9. Neglect Regular Security Audits
While your host may provide exceptional security features, it is imperative to conduct routine security audits to ensure that all systems are functioning properly and that your website remains secure. Be sure to verify whether your host provides these services or devise a method to perform them independently.
10. Ignore Mobile Responsiveness
In the present day, mobile devices account for over half of website traffic. It is in your best interest to ensure that the motif you have selected for your website is responsive on mobile, as not all websites translate well to mobile. If mobile users are unable to readily navigate your website, web hosting will be of little assistance.
11. Underestimate Traffic Scalability
Scalability is a critical factor that is frequently overlooked in the context of online businesses. Your website host must be capable of expanding in tandem with your business as it experiences an increase in traffic. Cloud hosting is the most scalable option available, so it may be beneficial to consider investing in it if you anticipate a significant growth spurt.
12. Settle for Poor Customer Support
Eventually, you will need to reach out to customer support in order to resolve an issue. It will not occur frequently; however, when it does, your web host’s support team must be accessible, knowledgeable, and accommodating. Do not accept anything less than the best; additionally, before selecting a host, consult customer evaluations to gain additional insight.
The Bottom Line
Selecting a hosting provider that can accommodate your website’s requirements is a significant component of successful website hosting. It is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of your own website in order to select a suitable provider that meets its requirements.
It is important to recognise that selecting the appropriate web provider may require a significant amount of time. Your initial research is indispensable, as it will determine whether hosts are viable alternatives or not. Subsequently, you can further investigate those that appear prospective.
However, we can assure you that your website and business will benefit in the long term if you invest the necessary time in selecting the appropriate host, adhere to these do’s and don’ts, and check all the boxes.
Biography of the Author Additionally, Paul Wheeler operates a web design agency that assists small businesses in optimising their websites to achieve business success. He endeavours to provide business proprietors with comprehensive information regarding website-related matters on his personal website, Reviews for Website Hosting.