
Federal Minister IT & Telecom, Syed Amin-Ul-Haque address to Inauguration Ceremony Of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for National Root Certification Authority

Federal Minister for IT & Telecom, Syed Amin-Ul-Haque address the Inauguration Ceremony Of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for the National Root Certification Authority

On Wednesday, 7th December 2022

Read More: IT Minister Syed Amin Ul Haque inaugurates Public Key Infrastructure for National Root Certification Authority

A Step Towards Digital Pakistan

Federal Minister IT & Telecom, One of the government of Pakistan’s most prominent initiatives, Digital Pakistan was started by the Ministry of IT and Telecom with the goal of accelerating the nation’s economic growth. Govt’s vision to aid Pakistan’s digital transformation is to improve its citizens’ quality of life and economic well-being by ensuring availability of modern, affordable and reliable digital services.

Today, we gathered to witness the tremendous growth in the digital world resulting into the transformation and empowerment of the citizen. Rapid growth and Adoption of digital technologies in all sectors of economy is inevitable for development of the Country.

Now-a-days, it is very difficult to imagine any sector without digital technology.

Federal Minister IT & Telecom/ During the last two years of pandemic

During the last two years of pandemic, we have seen our dependence on digital technologies has been increased manifold. While technology has advantages of ease of doing things and managing various functions, it also brings number of vulnerabilities and cyber threats.

These threats are increasing day by day with the development of cyber space damaging the public trust in digital environment. As Pakistan embarks on its journey towards becoming a truly Digital Economy, establishment of regulatory frameworks for ensuring data protection, establishing trust, and maintaining security of all digital transactions, documents, and systems are thus essential.

Under section 18 of ETO 2002, Electronic Certification Accreditation Council (ECAC) has been established under Ministry of IT & Telecom.

Working of Certification Authorities.

Besides other functions, ECAC to accredit and regulate the working of Certification Authorities (CAs). CAs issue Digital Signature Certificates for authentication and security of users in cyberspace. At present Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based digital signature is the only technology, which qualifies as an electronic signature for secure and reliable electronic transactions under the ETO.

Federal Minister IT & Telecom, PKI is the foundation of modern information security. That incorporates technology and personal identity in a way that it becomes capable. It fulfill security needs all around the world, in all types of industries and organizations, governments, and in homes.

Federal Minister IT & Telecom,ECAC with the support of MoITT

ECAC with the support of MoITT, has deployed Pakistan’s National Root Certification Authority. Also based on PKI that will act as backbone for digital Pakistan. Ministry believes this is an extremely positive development. Furthermore, would indeed result in economic prosperity for the nation through promotion of e-businesses. Also, Creation of jobs for the youth and numerous opportunities for the IT industry and e-commerce of Pakistan.

We pledge full support to Electronic Certification Accreditation Council (ECAC) as an arm of the Ministry of IT. It fully implement the mandate under the Electronic Transactions Ordinance 2002 (ETO).

I would also like to appreciate National Telecom Corporation. Furthermore, providing technical and administrative assistance making it happened on fast track.

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IT Minister Syed Amin Ul Haque inaugurates Public Key Infrastructure for National Root Certification Authority

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