Correction Policy and Standards
TechMag always trusts on the quality of reporting and publishing. We have a team of tech experts, editors, and publishers that check each of the news three times before publishing. We also check the facts from other big news publishers. Our editors keep an eye on Apple, Android, Google News, Bing News, and other sources to verify the news before publishing. We never publish the news before the approval of our tech experts. We have to build a trust from our audience. So, our main focus is on technology and tech innovations.
Follow the guidelines below for correction of stories or errors regarding any relevant material that belongs to TechEngage.
- Email:
- Whatsapp: +92 3056258485
- Fill out the form below at the end of the page
Once you notified us about the error or possible correction, we will rectify it as soon as possible. This may take up to 24 hours. We also notify our readers via the correction fact situated at the bottom of the story (if applied correction only) and/or on the corrections and clarifications page.
If there is any story related to you and there is a potential breach of the Editor’s Code of Practice, then you can make a formal complaint to our management at this email.
For errors and correction reporting, we provided the form below that you can easily complete with as many details as you have.