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10 Basic Python Terms Every Programmer Should Know

Guido Van Rossum describes Python as a high-level, interpreted, dynamically-typed scripting language, emphasising its primary design philosophy of code readability and syntax that enables programmers to convey concepts quickly.

At the end of 1989, Python’s creator, Guido Van Rossum, was dedicating his time to a side project to occupy himself during the Christmas holiday. His objective was to develop a novel scripting language aimed at Unix/C programmers that would be derivatives of ABC.

He labelled it as Python. According to what the name suggests, the language’s identification does not pertain to a constricting snake but rather to the British comedic group Monty Python. Unknown to him, it will evolve into one of the most prevalent programming languages, propelling major technology corporations and their offerings, including Netflix, Facebook, NASA, and Google, among others.

Python was ranked first on the IEEE Spectrum list of “Top Programming Languages 2019.” This blog will deconstruct Python learning and define the basic Python terms that every beginner must know. The objective is to distribute information clearly and directly to address all essential subjects.

What is Python, and What Makes It So Flexible?

Guido Van Rossum describes Python as a high-level, interpreted, dynamically-typed scripting language, emphasising its primary design philosophy of code readability and syntax that enables programmers to convey concepts quickly.

Consequently, the time required to get Python software to market is shorter than that of its counterparts, such as Java and C#. Virtually all types of programmes, from user interfaces to analytical tools, may be developed with Python. A further significant distinction is that there is no requirement to declare any variable type. Consequently, the implementation of a Python programme is more straightforward.

It lacks advanced statistical capabilities like those found in R and is unsuitable for hardware interfaces and low-level systems. It is characterised as a “batteries included” language due to its versatile standard library. In addition to its practical perspective, numerous books and communities exist to assist Python developers.

The operation of the Python environment on machines:

  • A comparable Python virtual machine is established, whereby the entire package library is installed.
  • Typically, Python code is authored file format.
  • CPython, the original implementation of Python, compiles code into bytecode for the Python Virtual Machine.

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List of Top 10 Basic Python Terms


Variables have become common across multiple programming languages. A variable denotes a data element that may be utilised thereafter. Consider it as a container that holds a value, such as a numeral, letter, or word. In numerous programming languages, variables possess a specified type. Only a singular type of data can be contained within the box.

In Python, there is no requirement to provide a type. Utilise the variable name along with the initial value. Python automatically determines the appropriate type for your variable. For example,

num = 10

This will assign an integer variable an initial value of 10. Variables can be defined using any common variable kinds, and custom variable types are also available for creating personalised variables, although these are more advanced for beginners.


The capacity for code reuse is one of Python’s strongest features. To do the same operation repeatedly in your software, you may simply duplicate and insert the code at the required locations. However, altering one of those duplicated segments necessitates modifying all of them. The procedure can be time-consuming, and functions serve to mitigate that.

A function is a segment of code that performs a certain task. This is the look of a function:

def greet():

print('Hello World!'

The “def” keyword indicates to the Python compiler that a function is being defined, and the subsequent name is the identifier used to call the function. Calling a function requires merely entering the function name followed by brackets. Occasionally, functions will have variables within the brackets that can be provided to the function for processing.


When visiting the grocery store, you are likely to possess a list of items you intend to purchase. In Python, lists are collections of specific variable types. Imagine them as an extended sequence of numbered containers, each containing a variable of the list’s specified type. Only one variable name is required to store the list, together with a number that indicates the specific element within that variable.

This is the method for defining a list in Python:

thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]

Similar to variables, it is unnecessary to provide the type of the list in Python. It will autonomously determine the solution upon receiving the members of the list. Requesting this list [1] would provide the result “apple.” Lists may be potent tools for organisation and planning.


A dictionary enables you to ascertain the definition of a word in the real world. In Python, a dictionary functions similarly, but instead of containing words and their definitions, it comprises a variable and an associated value. This is an example of a dictionary definition in Python:

thisdict = {
  "brand": "Ford",
  "model": "Mustang",
  "year": 1964
print (thisdict);

This dictionary contains a pair of strings as its stored variables. Thus, asking the variable for the value at the place [brand] would yield “Ford” as the outcome. Dictionaries resemble lists; however, instead of utilising numerical indices to retrieve elements, we employ labels.


Loops enable the execution of a sequence of commands depending upon specific parameters. Python comprises two looping constructs: the for loop and the while loop. Each possesses distinct optimal applications; nonetheless, they can generally be summarised in this format:

  • Check the condition
  • If it’s true, execute the block directly underneath the loop entry.
  • If it’s false, exit the loop

Loops permit traversal of each element in a list or dictionary. They can assist you in searching these data structures if necessary.Loops enable traversal of each element in a list or dictionary. They can assist you in searching these data structures if necessary.

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements, sometimes referred to as conditionals, resemble a decision tree. Assume you visited the supermarket to get eggs. You believe that the addition of milk would enhance your ability to prepare an excellent omelette. In your mind, if you were executing Python, it would appear as follows:

if (has_eggs):

This sample shows the functionality of conditional statements. The if-else statement is utilised to ascertain the appropriate course of action and is consistently assessed as either true or untrue. In Python, there is no explicit indication of where a conditional begins and ends; instead, the indentation of the block informs the interpreter which statements constitute the executed block.


We have discussed strings, although they are a common topic for beginners. A string is an ordered sequence of characters. Strings are one of the fundamental variable types in Python. They can be defined by entering the string within quotation marks. Functions and methods exist to access specific characters within a string.

word = "computer"
letter = word[0]

This code snippet defines a string as “computer” and assigns the first character of “computer” to the variable letter. The variable ‘letter’ would contain the character “c.”


I previously discussed code reusability, and Import serves as an excellent illustration of this concept. During the development of the expense tracker, we utilized a library named tkinter to assist with the graphical user interface. The import statement enables access to all functions within a specific module. For instance, suppose we input the following:

import datetime

We will obtain all the data types and functionalities of the datetime module. Various Python modules exist to facilitate development; thus, selecting the appropriate module significantly reduces coding effort.


We discussed exceptions while discussing effective debugging of Python routines. Exceptions are runtime errors occurring during the execution of the programme. Exceptions refer to occurrences that deviate from the anticipated norm. Throughout your Python programming career, you will likely encounter exceptions, which should not be feared. Once you comprehend the task, they are manageable.


Python is an object-orientated language, signifying that all elements within the language can be regarded as objects. Classes serve as templates for creating objects. The class keyword can be utilised to define a class as follows:

class MyClass:
  x = 5
  y = 11
  z = 13.7

This sample clearly illustrates the components of the class. Similar to other constructs, indentation indicates to the compiler which elements are included within the class and which are not. Classes serve as the fundamental components of programmes, capable of storing specific data and encapsulating methods to manipulate that data within.

It’s Not Over Yet

Python is a constantly evolving language, and this fundamental terminology will assist you in understanding some of its aspects. However, these concepts alone are insufficient for a comprehensive understanding of the language. Familiarity with some prevalent words will facilitate the interpretation of documentation significantly.

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