
How to Create a Successful 3D and AR Strategy for Your Business

Businesses need to use 3D and augmented reality together more and more if they want to improve their marketing, get people engaged, and make experiences that feel like they're really happening.

Businesses need to use 3D and augmented reality together more and more if they want to improve their marketing, get people engaged, and make experiences that feel like they’re really happening. This trend is particularly common among global brands that know that adding 3D and AR to their overall strategy could be helpful.

These state-of-the-art tools can give businesses an edge over their competitors, help them make more money, and boost sales. The benefits of 3D and augmented reality will be discussed in this blog post, along with tips on how businesses can use these technologies to reach their objectives.

Benefits of 3D and AR

Before you start thinking about how to create a successful 3D and AR strategy, you need to know why you should use these technologies in your business. Here are some of the most important reasons why you should use 3D and AR:

  • Increased Customer Engagement: By making the experience more realistic, 3D and AR can get customers much more involved. You can also get more people to visit your website with the help of 3D and AR. The 2021 Snap Consumer AR Global Report says that 78% of buyers would rather have a 3D experience. They can interact with your goods in ways that weren’t possible before. This makes it easier for them to decide what to buy. Word-of-mouth marketing is another way for businesses to reach more people.
  • Improved Sales: Businesses can make more money by giving customers a more realistic and involved experience. 3D and AR can help people understand a product better, which can make them more likely to buy it. Our customers’ conversion rates went up by up to 71% when they worked with us. That sounds great, right?
  • Reduced Returns: By helping customers see what the product looks like, 3D and AR can cut down on the number of returns. Customers can get a better idea of what they’re buying, so they aren’t as surprised when the item comes. This helps everyone save time and money.
  • Cost Savings: When you use 3D and AR in your business, you can save money in the long run. Businesses can cut down on the number of physical samples they need to make by letting buyers try out the product before they buy it. Your supply chain will be better off in the long run if you have a 3D product library.
  • Competitive Advantage: When more companies start to use 3D and AR in their plans, the ones that don’t could get left behind. For companies to stay ahead of the competition, they need to stay ahead of the curve. It is thought that by 2025, 80% of the biggest brands in the world will have 3D experiences on their websites and mobile apps. Is one of those brands yours?

benefits of 3D and AR

Now that we know what the benefits of 3D and AR are, let’s look at how to make a successful 3D and AR strategy.

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Creating Your 3D & AR Strategy

  • Determine Your Goals: It is important to know what you want to achieve before you start using 3D and AR in your work. How do you want to use 3D and AR to reach your goals? Do you want to boost sales, cut down on returns, or get customers more involved? You can think about how 3D and AR can help you reach your goals once you know what they are. For example, if your goal is to boost sales, you might want to focus on making interactive product experiences that help buyers learn more about the product and feel more confident about buying it.
  • Create high-quality content: It’s important to make high-quality content now that you’ve checked out the right tools. This includes making 3D models of your goods that are true to life and making AR experiences that are fun and interactive. It’s very important to pay close attention to the details when making 3D models. It’s important that the models are correct, look good, and are simple to use. To make an experience feel real, you should think about things like lighting, color, and scale. We at TechMag PK use the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to quickly make 3D models from sets of images. When making AR experiences, it’s important to make sure they are fun and involved. Also, you should make sure that your material works well on a variety of platforms and devices. When you make an AR experience for a mobile app, for instance, you’ll need to make sure that the material works well on all sorts of screen sizes and devices.
  • Test and iterate: It’s important to try and improve your 3D and AR content after you’ve made it. By testing, you can find any problems with the content and fix them so that the experience is better. This lets you make things better before you show them to your customers. It’s also important to test the material on a range of devices and platforms and get customer feedback. This can help you find problems with usefulness so you can fix them and make the experience better overall. As comments and data come in, the content is constantly tweaked and improved through the iterating process. To better meet your customers’ wants, this could mean making small changes to the content or redesigning the whole experience. At artlabs, we offer advanced data tracking because we’re always running A/B tests for our clients.
  • Promote Your 3D and AR Experience: Finally, you should let people know about your 3D and AR experience by advertising it. You can do this by telling people about the experience on your website, in emails, and on social media. Being clear about the experience’s perks and how it can help customers make better buying choices is important. Some ways to do this are to show off the engaging parts of the experience, stress how accurate the 3D models are, and stress how the experience can save customers time and money.

Incorporating 3D and AR to your business plan can help in many ways, such as getting customers more involved, increasing sales, and cutting costs. To make a 3D and AR strategy that works, you need to know what you want to achieve, pick the right tools, make great content, test it, and let people know about it. By doing these things, you can give your customers more immersive experiences with your business that will help them learn more about your goods and make better buying decisions. As the use of 3D and AR grows, companies that use these technologies will be able to beat their rivals.

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