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Boost Your Productivity with These 10 Unique Gadgets

In a society obsessed with multifunctional electronics, I have discovered that using several unique gadgets boosts efficiency and improves my daily existence.

In a society obsessed with multifunctional electronics, I have discovered that using several unique gadgets boosts efficiency and improves my daily existence. In the past eighteen months, I have progressively transitioned from a dual-device configuration to a carefully selected collection of 10 gadgets.

Why Simplicity Is Not Generally Beneficial

Recall Steve Jobs’ seminal iPhone presentation? A single, streamlined device that combines an iPod, a phone, and an internet communicator. It was transformative, pledging to streamline our lives by merging several devices into one robust instrument.

The attraction is evident—employment, recreation, interaction—all within reach. However, there is a stipulation! The allure of gaming is but a tap away when attempting to concentrate on workplace tasks. Anxiety-inducing work alerts can disrupt your gaming experience.

Indeed, self-discipline is significant. Why exert your effort when a more straightforward answer exists? Utilise a multi-device configuration to organise your digital existence and enhance productivity without depending exclusively on self-discipline.

My Transition from a Two-Device to a Ten-Device Workflow

In the 2010s, I relied on my dual-device configuration—my smartphone and desktop—deeming it basic, efficient, and sufficient. Currently, I own an effective arrangement that has resulted in significant enhancements to my productivity.

  1. Smartphone: Strictly for communication and light web browsing
  2. Smartwatch: Pomodoro timers, music playback, and notification filters
  3. Alarm Clock: High-volume alarms without the option to doom scroll
  4. Tablet: Content consumption and entertainment needs
  5. Kindle: Eye-friendly reading device
  6. Basic LCD Doodle Pad: For quick notes and doodling
  7. External Storage: Keeps files portable and frees up space on other devices
  8. Entry-Level DSLR Camera: Better photos than high-end smartphones at half the price
  9. Desktop: Primarily for work
  10. Console (PS5): Dedicated gaming device

This is a brief overview of my motivation for incorporating more devices and the subsequent improvements I experienced.

How These Gadgets Cure My Distraction Problem

As a freelance writer-marketer, I am constantly engaged with my phone, perusing various feeds, conducting research, and responding to enquiries when, unexpectedly, I discover that a new episode of my favourite programme has been released. Moreover, Netflix is easily accessible with a single press. What is the potential detriment of a 20-minute break? Before I realised it, I wasted four hours consuming trivial content.

This was evolving into an issue. I should not utilise the same phone for professional and recreational purposes. I have resolved to acquire a tablet. I retained my phone mostly for professional communication, email correspondence, and social media exploration. I utilise my iPad exclusively for Netflix, YouTube, and personal social media accounts.

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How These Gadgets Controlled My Gaming Addiction

During my college years, I experienced a severe gaming addiction, which I remedied by utilising a low-performance PC incapable of running games. The browser could be opened, enabling me to complete my assignment, which sufficed!

Nonetheless, gaming remains one of the most efficacious methods for me to decompress and rejuvenate. Consequently, complete removal was not a viable remedy since it precipitated an alternative array of issues—heightened stress and fatigue.

At that point, I resolved to pause my PC gaming and transition to console gaming. My initial gaming system was the Nintendo Switch. I maintained its docking at the living room television to exclude any distractions or temptations during my task. I am presently engaged in gaming on my PS5. Regrettably, my Switch was damaged following a severe fall.

gaming controller

I do not advocate for universal console ownership. A gaming PC is functional, provided it is not located in your workspace. I opted for consoles because to their lower cost.

How These Gadgets Solved My Concentration Problem

As a freelancer working independently from home, maintaining focus can be challenging. I opted to employ the Pomodoro technique for maintaining focus. However, I was reluctant to utilise a smartphone application and monitor my phone every 25 minutes. I required a specialised gadget!

Suddenly, Pomodoro timers are not prevalent in my locality. I acquired a smartwatch, the Galaxy Watch 4, primarily due to a significant discount. I utilise it for three purposes: Pomodoro timing, controlling work-related music, and filtering essential client emails.

a man watching his wrist watch

I also use an LCD doodle pad. I may have a personal issue, but I feel compelled to address tasks promptly upon their conception, worrying I may forget them otherwise. The doodle pad assists me in managing the impulse to acknowledge a notion without deviating from my current task.

While a basic pen and paper would suffice, my technological inclination necessitated a more sophisticated option.

How These Gadgets Solved My Sleep Problem

In around 2020, during the lockdowns, I extensively consumed content on my phone or tablet, particularly prior to sleep. This adversely affected my sleep quality! I attempted to decrease screen time, yet the ensuing boredom became excruciating. This is when I resolved to incorporate a Kindle into my ecology. It significantly enhanced my sleep, albeit maybe due to a placebo effect; yet, it constituted only a partial answer.

The optimal method to achieve timely sleep is to rise at a consistent hour. This guarantees that you are sufficiently fatigued to achieve sleep by day’s end. I previously utilised my smartphone alarm. On certain days, I would suppress the noise by placing my pillow over it. On other occasions, when it did rouse me, I would use the sleep function and engage in doomscrolling—not the most efficient utilisation of the morning.

I opted to utilise a specialised alarm clock. I assure you that the $20 device is the most effective tool I have ever utilised. It performs a singular function, and it executes it exceptionally well.

How It Stopped Me From Overspending on Gadgets

Upgrades for smartphone storage might be extremely costly. Investing over $100 for an additional 64GB of storage is unnecessary when a 2TB external HDD is available for approximately $50-70. I choose to purchase external HDDs and utilize USB OTG (On-The-Go) to enhance my phone’s storage capacity. Although it is not the most convenient arrangement, it serves as a pragmatic and cost-effective solution for remote work.

Backing Up your extra data to drive

I also gravitated towards premium models due to their superior cameras. One device is equipped with a telephoto camera, another features a monochrome sensor, and a third includes a macro lens.

My aspiration for three distinct lenses prompted me to contemplate acquiring three individual iPhones. Fortunately, my instincts prevailed, and I opted for a fundamental DSLR—the Canon EOS 1300D.

DSLR—the Canon EOS 1300D

It has been beneficial for four years, and I can simply purchase replacement lenses if further functions are required. Furthermore, it captures superior images compared to $2000 flagship devices—merely stating a fact!

Is a 10-Device Setup Right for You?

A 10-device configuration has transformed my work and daily existence, while I recognise it may not suit everyone. The primary disadvantage, in my opinion, is ensuring that all devices are adequately charged. Portability is a challenge as well. A suitable carry bag is essential as you pack various devices according to your destination and anticipated activities.

Nonetheless, if such drawbacks do not concern you, a multi-device configuration could significantly enhance your productivity. A primary advantage is its integrated failsafe mechanism. For instance, if my phone malfunctions, I can utilise my tablet till I obtain a replacement. As it is a system rather than a device, you can improve specific components (gaming, work, reading, camera, etc.) according to your requirements.

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