
PlayStation 5 Pro Is Ready but Delayed to Launch With Major Games

Rumours say the PlayStation 5 Pro has been ready to go since last year. However, since Moore’s Law is Dead, its release may have been delayed to coincide with the big games’ release.

In the most recent episode of the Broken Silicon show, the YouTuber talked about Sony’s plans to update its mid-generation consoles. There was a time when he said that the computer might not have been used. Still, work kept going on it, and last year, the system’s final hardware was finished and ready to go on sale.

Also Read:  Sony PlayStation 5: Specs, Price, release date, games, and everything you should know

According to what was previously disclosed, this delay is meant to carefully line up with the release of big games like Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto 6. This plan makes sense since Sony isn’t putting out any big games this year and Grand Theft Auto 6 will be a big seller on consoles, just like the other GTA games. The newest game will only be available on the newest version of consoles. It will come out on PC a year later.

Grand Theft Auto 6 on Playstation 5

Still, Sony hasn’t said anything officially about the PS5 Pro. However, leaks have given us a better idea of what to expect from the more powerful console. Because these leaks caused Sony to look into them internally to find the source, they are likely true.

Reports say that the PS5 Pro will be much faster at both processing and ray tracing. The system will also support the PlayStation Super Spectral Resolution upscale, and it will be able to handle images of up to 8K. If you turn up the resolution, it should also be able to hit more stable 40 FPS modes.

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